Becoming an affiliate marketer is an awesome way to earn extra money. It can soon become your full-time income if you work hard enough.
If you are here, you are probably thinking about setting up your affiliate marketing business. This post is only going to deal with the website itself. Before you do this step, it is important that you have your strategy in place. This includes:
- Select your niche. This might be kites or knitting or fashion
- Doing your product and services research so you know what to market
- Your Marketing Strategy. SEO or ADs or SOCIAL, or some combination
- Domain name
Once you have decided this, you can find out how to set up an affiliate marketing website. These are the options you have.
The almost free route
If you have no money you have to learn how to make an affiliate website for free. You need to get googling. But basically, you are going to:
- Find hosting for your site (Cheap) (Bluehost offers cheap options to get started)
- Build the site from watching videos and reading blogs (Free)
- Start building the content and affiliate links into your site (Your time)
- Build an email list through capture on a landing page (Your time)
Learn How to start affiliate marketing with no money?
The Outsourced Route
You have some money. Get a professional to build the site for you. This will give you time to work on the business. You can focus all your time on the money-making part. Product research, marketing material, and possibly Paid Ads.
Learn How to Start an Online Business Doing What Your Love?
Getting your creativity on and building an affiliate site can be mentally and financially rewarding.
You’ll learn a lot about your selected niche, business in general, and how online business works. You’ll find there are so many aspects, that once you start making money, you’ll pay someone else to do the parts that are hard.
Find out more on How Social Media Can Accelerate the Growth of Your Business?
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