
How to Manage Two Jobs and a Family?

Feeling overwhelmed?

Why would you want to manage two jobs in the first place? Having a steady income is peace of mind for most people. It gives you the opportunity to live your life to the fullest. You don’t have to worry about financial insecurity or an excessive amount of expenses. Of course, the cost-of-living increases once you have a small family of your own.

You may search for alternative ways to gain an extra source of income. With the extra expenses that come along with having children, that one source of income may not be enough. It is possible to secure a second source of income with the cost of extra effort.

Why Should I Search for a Second Job?

Searching for a second job can seem ridiculous for individuals with heavy workloads! There are many benefits to doing so.

The first thing you should do before job searching is analysing your current work schedule. Identify any available time slots for a second job. Keep in mind that most jobs do not allow 30-minutes or 1-hour shifts. So, ensure that you have at least a few hours available for your new job. Being realistic about your working hours is important because extra work can lead to stress and strain in your personal life.

After you have created a schedule for a second job, reach out to your connections. They know you best. Place your current job details and relevant experience on your resume when you begin to apply to job opportunities. If you have a busy schedule with your current job, consider searching for freelance or contract work. These jobs will work around your schedule and provide a source of secondary income.

Benefits of Having Two Jobs

Having two jobs can be stressful at first but will become rewarding. From a new source of income to new networking opportunities and even a chance of promotion. There are plenty of benefits to working two jobs. Here are a few reasons why you should do so:

1. Second Stream of Income

When expenses and bills feel overwhelming, you may wish for an extra source of income. Throughout our lives, there are many expenses that we incur. These include college debt, car loan debt, mortgage, rent, bills, and recreational activities. Wealth is the basis of society, and we need enough accumulation of money to enjoy life.

Having a second job will provide a steady stream of secondary income. It can rid you of debt or pay for new financial stressors, such as your child’s college tuition. When adding this income to your budget, you may even find that you now have enough funds to plan a new vacation. Or even spare money to buy that car you always wanted.

2. Income Security

The job market is currently unstable but improving by the day. You may worry about the state of your current employment. From budget cuts to the worldwide crisis, there are many factors that can affect whether you will stay employed with your job in the future. If you ever lose your job or resign for any reason, a second job will ensure that you have an alternative source of income.

While you are working a second job, you will have time to search for a new job to replenish lost income. In short, having a second job protects against unpredictable events. It grants income security if something happens.

To find out more about types of income, visit this page Active vs Passive Income

3. Career Opportunities

By working a second job, you will be entering an unfamiliar environment with a blank slate. Always use a good work ethic. This will allow you to connect with other professionals and potential employers. Networking is always great for ensuring that you can gain another job should you lose this one. In your new workplace, there may also be opportunities to grow.

4. Discovering a New Passion

Having a second job in a new field may reveal certain traits about yourself that you had not known. Maybe you work best in a creative environment as opposed to an office? Many people enter different fields of work before settling on the right job for them. Finding the right job is a sort of trial-and-error process. Try and align with your passions. You may find that your second job does not feel like a job at all.

5. Skill Enhancement

Different jobs need employees to have specific skills for employment. For instance, a tech expert may need computer skills. A therapist may need interpersonal skills. By entering a new job, you will be able to gain and hone new skills. This will not only enhance your resume but make you stand out to future employers.

Maintaining a Balance While you Manage Two Jobs

Manage the work and family balance.

Many employees find that it is already difficult to put all their efforts into one job. To balance two jobs, consider making a planner of important tasks and dates. By adhering to this planner, you will gain better control of your life and manage your time better.

Be sure to allow time in your daily tasks to spend with your family and for yourself. Self-care is vital in ensuring that you do not become overwhelmed. Self-care can include simply taking a long shower or even treating yourself to a fancy dinner.

It is also important to schedule days off from both jobs in advance. While this may seem unorthodox, it helps manage your employer’s expectations. You also have time off to look forward to. Time management and planning are key to managing your time between two jobs.

Check out how I manage my Daily Activity here, Daily Method Of Operation

Keeping Your Family Happy

With most of your time being shared between two jobs, your family may feel as though you are not making time for them. While this feeling is rational, it is important to speak with your family about your new commitments. Provide them with a rundown of the details of your alternative employment and what is expected of you.

Gaining your family’s approval before entering a new job is vital. Even though it is an extra source of income, you also have responsibilities towards them. If you don’t have time during the week, plan weekend time with family. This can include going to the park or eating at a restaurant. Of course, younger children may not completely understand why you need to work two jobs. Be sure to let your family know that you will be there for them even while you are working.

Things That Are Easy to Forget While Working Two Jobs

While working two jobs and dealing with added responsibilities, it can be easy to neglect certain tasks. For instance, tasks, such as exercising may go out the window. Like with your family, you should make time for these activities during your free time. They are vital to maintaining optimal mental and physical health.

1. Getting Enough Rest

With back-to-back work hours, you may not get enough sleep each night. Planning your weekly schedules beforehand can counteract this. By dedicating time, work-related tasks have to finish. If you finish your tasks before their deadlines, use the time to catch up on sleep or get some well-deserved rest.

2. Exercising

The importance of a job differs per individual. Most people can agree that family is the utmost priority. When an important occasion arises, such as a wedding, take time off. You must enjoy the journey!

Gain a few hours of exercise each week to maintain energy. Depending on your jobs, you may not have the opportunity to do so. Pick routines that are adaptive. Running can happen between tasks. Yoga can be practiced at any given time. You can even turn your exercise into a family activity and spend some time with them. If you are into training, try and do it from home.

I got a great hybrid gym plan for this cool site HybridAthlete.

3. Eating Healthy

While engaging in work-related tasks, you may feel tempted eat junk food. It’s easy to grab a packet of chips or an energy drink. While such foods may provide a temporary boost of energy, they are bad for our health. By eating three meals a day, you will have enough energy to engage in both jobs. But these meals should be well-balanced and provide an excellent source of nutrients.

4. Important Life Events

The importance of a job differs per individual. Most people can agree that family is the utmost priority. When an important occasion arises, such as a wedding, take time off. You must enjoy the journey!

5. Budgeting

With an alternative source of income, you may be tempted to spend your money as it is received. Unfortunately, doing so can cause more harm than good. Align your savings goals with your combined income. Determine whether you have enough money to make unneeded purchases. Try not to spend more than you have. Good budgeting will prevent this and allow you to build wealth over time.


Now that you have many reasons why you should search for a second job, the decision lies with you. Do you need a secondary source of income? Do you have enough time to commit to a new workload? Are you unhappy in your current employment?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, it may be time to begin your search for a second job. Be sure to reach out to other professionals or past employers who can provide you with a lead on where to apply. Remember, working two jobs may be stressful, but it has plenty of benefits.

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