The Best Ways to Learn Digital Marketing Online?


Often we don’t have the knowledge, skills, or experience to execute what we want to achieve. When it comes to starting an online business this is more often than not a reason many shy away from even starting. The digital world requires a unique set of skills and this can be a hurdle to overcome. We look at how you can learn digital marketing skills online, and why a mentorship program can save you time and money.

Here are four approaches to learning Digital Marketing?

1. Google It!

The simple way to learn anything these days is using Google to search for topics you are interested in. You will no doubt find a plethora of information at your fingertips. YouTube also can be a fantastic resource for learning about any subject in a visual way.


One of the biggest challenges most people find when researching a broad topic is the accuracy and credibility of the information. One has to do thorough research and double or triple-check that everything people are sharing is true.

Another is fragmentation. The internet may be a library of information at your fingertips but it’s not organized. That means you will find yourself doing a lot of duplicate reading and watching to extract all the information you need. This can waste a lot of time and be very frustrating especially when learning new topics.

2. eBooks

Books are a great way to learn, they can present information in a way that is both organized and practical. In contrast to researching online, books can present information in a format that is more organized than researching online.


Although books are a great way to learn, they are not for everyone and can be difficult to grasp concepts that are more technical. If you’ve ever tried to study a new subject and get to sections that you really struggle to understand it can be frustrating which often leads you to abandon your learning.

3. Online Courses

There are many online learning platforms that can help you get started in any subject. There are some platforms aimed at specific industries and many courses by people within certain professions selling courses based on their real world experience.


An online course will give you a good foundation of knowledge but might not give you all the tools and steps to start building your own online business.

4. A Mentorship Program

A mentorship program is a consolidation of the above strategies into one organized system. It takes sound knowledge and presents it in a step-by-step way to help you through a preset learning path. This makes learning easier, structured and saves you time in figuring out what to do next. It also offers resources to expand your knowledge on subjects. On top of this, it offers a community of people that you can learn from and share with.


A mentorship program will require commitment from your side to gain the maximum value and best results. Nothing is achieved without effort, and that is not actually a disadvantage but rather a requirement for learning any skill.

Do you feel stuck and need guidance in what to learn? Or do you want to find a better way to start on your path to digital freedom with a step-by-step guide to help you through the process?

Take a look at Six Figure Mentor’s program to see how they are helping people start and run an online business.

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How to get Started with Search Engine Optimization?

The internet is an unimaginable library of information and media. It’s a never-ending rabbit hole. An unrelenting landscape of information that can distract us from our lives. But it is also a fantastic resource of knowledge that we can use to grow what we know. Its fragmentation can keep you running in circles at times but it’s a treasure trove of anything and everything. And its here that the search engine is the indispensable tool that helps us find the information we are looking for. Its not only an enormous expanding index of information, but an intelligent tool that uses artificial intelligence to figure out what exactly you looking for and what information best suits your request.

Today our response to most questions is to Google it, and our phones are the primary device we use to search.

You see, search engines have become the interface for us to interact with the web and find what we want. So now lets flip that on its head for a moment and ask the question:

If I want to build my website for my online business so that people can find my content or website, how do you do that? Well, that leads us to Search Engine Optimization.

What is Search Engine Optimization or SEO?

In short it is the skill of structuring your website, content and building authority for your website. It includes both content related techniques and technical aspects that can enhance your websites content for search engines and help you rank higher.

Keywords the Sign Posts for Search Engines

One of the starting points for enhancing your SEO relevance is using words called keywords. These specific keywords can help to improve how Google ranks the content on your web pages. But it also helps search engines rank the relevance of your content in order for them to show your web page in the search results when people search for related information.

Keywords are like road signs to search engines. They give them an idea of what the content is about and help build a ranking for your content. Search engine use these keywords to understand your content and to position the content against other content using similar keywords. Google wants to show you the best content for your inquiry.

  • Each keyword has data about the amount of times its searched for monthly, called search volume.
  • Each keyword has a ranking difficulty, for how difficult it is to rank for that keyword in search engines.
  • Each keyword has a paid search ranking, for example how in demand that keyword is in demand to use for advertising.

Also to take keywords a step further, using longer phrase keywords can help rank for more specific search intent and qualify higher quality traffic as not everyone searching using a specific keyword will have the same intentions.

For example:

  • One person will use “dog” in there search query looking for dog related products.
  • Someone else might search to find images of dogs for a wallpaper?
  • Another person will search for dog breeds as they decide what kind of dog breed to buy.

A very important part of using keywords is not just the word, but the reason why they are using that word or phrase to search. This is referred to as “search intent”.

Keywords you can use to better rank your content the more effective your content will be, and the better it will rank. Unfortunately its not just as simple as loading keywords into your content and expecting your website to pop up on the first page of search engines. Keywords are critical part of writing content and is a critical aspect of SEO, but is definitely not where it ends.

There are numerous keyword tools available with a simple search on Google you’ll find many to try out.

One of the things that helps Google rank the importance of pages on your site is the number of internal links to a specific page. By linking internal pages allows for a better user experience and a quicker way to your content. This will improve the ability for visitors to get to your content and will allow Google to find your pages.

Another way to build authority for your site is back-links, they are links that come from other websites and can improve your SEO Ranking if those back-links have high SEO Rankings. You see, if high quality sites link to you then you gain SEO authority as Google will believe that those sites must regard your site as authoritative or trustworthy on some level.

Back-linking can come in various forms, for example:

  • A guest post on a magazine site, industry blog or news site.
  • A business directory you have listed your business on.
  • A suppliers page, or vendor you are registered with.
  • A local news blog.

Depending on your business and industry it might be more or less challenging to achieve some of these, with business listings being the easiest.

Be aware though, that you don’t want to list you business on any directory site, as there are many that have low quality content, SEO ranking and will negatively affect your SEO if they are not good sites.

Quality is always better than quantity. Take a look at the business directory site before diving in and listing your site. Often it is possible to determine a site quality by the layout and type of content, and the number of ads. If there are more ads than you can keep up with, it’s probably not going to do much to promote your business.

Social Media as an SEO Indicator

Social media can also affect your ranking on Google, for example, if you are very active on social media Google will rank your social media page when people search for you or services relating to your keywords.

Social Media will give you exposure and improve the traffic to your website. Sharing content from your website on your social media pages is a way to build visibility and to encourage people to visit your site. The more people share your content the better for your brand, or project. So in a way social media shares and mentions can be an indicator to Google of your popularity.


Search Engine Optimization is a highly technical field, but there are basic steps you can take to help improve how search engines see your content. If you want to improve your SEO on a deeper level you will need someone knowledgeable in the field to truly get into the technical aspects of your website. Hopefully, you know a little more about what SEO is and how you can begin to improve your website.

Want to grow your knowledge of Search Engine Optimization and how to grow your business online, I recommend the Six Figure Mentors program for learning and growing your business online. Take a look at what they offer, you can even sign up for free to get an overview of their program before committing to it.

Are you ready to Launch into CyberSpace?

How to Improve the SEO of your Website in 7 Steps?

PageRank is the algorithm developed by Google to rank webpages based on the number of links pointing to them from other pages. The higher the webpage’s ranking in search results, generally means that webpage has more incoming links. If you want to boost your webpage ranking in search results, there are several things you can do:

In this article we will be covering the following:

  1. Optimize Page Titles and Descriptions
  2. Create Link-Worthy Content
  3. Optimize for Keywords
  4. Submit A Sitemap to Google
  5. Add Social Media Buttons
  6. Link to other Webpages
  7. Use SEO Plugins

How to improve the SEO on your webpages:

1) Optimize Page Titles and Descriptions

Both of these should include words you want to rank for in search engines. Google analyses keywords of webpage titles and meta-descriptions to determine how relevant they are to the search intent of the user. The more relevant the keyword you’re trying to rank for, the better.

2) Create Link-Worthy Content

The more backlinks your webpage can get from high page rank websites, the higher your page rank will be. Content that is interesting and informative will inspire people to share it on social media and in blog posts, generating links and thus boosting up your page rank.

3) Optimize for Keywords

While you can’t easily boost your webpage ranking in search results, you can optimize it to make search engines find it easier. Use Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools to find out what keywords people are using to reach your webpage, and use those keywords throughout your content so that your webpage ranks better for those important searches.

4) Submit A Sitemap to Google

A sitemap is a list of pages on your website, submitted to search engines. This tells search engines where all the important content they should be indexing is located on your page, making it easier for them to crawl and rank your site.

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5) Add Social Media Buttons

The more people share your amazing content on social media, the higher it will rank in Google’s image results. Social signals are considered a ranking factor by search engines, although they have never been confirmed as such by Google or Bing.

6) Link to other Webpages

When you reference another webpage in your content, Google sees that as a sign of relevancy and will give your webpage a higher rank. Obviously, random links to sites just to create links will only be seen in a negative light, so use them naturally and appropriately.

7) Use SEO Plugins

You can also use SEO plugins like tools like All-In-One SEO to help optimize your webpage for relevant keywords and create meta-descriptions and titles that will help you rank for those terms.


While there is no guaranteed way to increase your site rank, the methods listed above can be very helpful in improving how search engines rank your webpages. SEO takes time and is a long-term strategy rather than a quick way to get traffic. The time that it will take to improve your rankings in search engines are influenced by many variables.

The key is to take time regularly to see how you are ranking in Google, using analytic tools to monitor and pick up opportunities to improve your site ranking. Start today and see how things improve over time.

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