A Blueprint to Start Your Online Business Faster

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If you are starting out on your journey into the online business world, you might feel like you swimming in an ocean of confusion. The internet is filled with amazing content and no shortage of answers, except that you never get the information in a structured and organized way. In fact, often the content is too short and superficial. Other times the content is too technical without practical advice. If you want to get started you need the right amount of knowledge with practical advice. You want a logical path to follow so you can build a profitable online business.

So what is the alternative to random YouTube videos or endless Googling that just leads you from one rabbit hole to the next?

Save Time and A Learn Faster

One of the biggest problems that Six Figure Mentors solve, is the wasted time you spend searching for answers. Time is money. And why waste hours, days, weeks, and months trying to figure something out when you can scale your results quickly. There is a better way!

The way I started my journey into building an online business was through following their program and learning what I needed. It provided me the knowledge and the step-by-step plan to start building my business. It also saved me from the frustration of digging through piles of websites and YouTube videos to figure out where to start and how to be profitable.

The educational platform they offer is a great way to better your knowledge and skills on all things digital. It covers digital marketing to social media to web design. They offer high-quality video lessons that you can take at your own pace, with no stress. The lessons are easy to understand and you can then apply them to your business straight away!

My previous post on – Is Affiliate Marketing a Legit Way to Make Money?

Follow A Proven Formula for Success

As I’ve mentioned it offers you a clear path that is easy to follow even if you are a total novice. The goal of the program is to help you grow from a total notice to a functional business, and therefore the content is easy to digest.

As someone who has attempted to start an online venture a few times, it has helped me stay focused. This is a challenge when you don’t know everything. It is easy to wander from one thing to another. The clear set out steps has helped me move forward in a logical fashion learning what is relevant to my journey.

Is Six Figure Mentors for You?

The reason I signed up for their program was simple. I want to leave the high-stress work environment of Software Development and focus on building a business I can run from anywhere in the world.

But I needed a framework to build it. I didn’t want to have to guess or crawl around in the dark trying to figure it out on my own. I wanted to learn what I needed to, and get started sooner than later! Like many things in life, we procrastinate when we don’t have answers.

Six Figure Mentors offered me the answers I needed to get started!

So if you are ready to start your own online business, see How Six Figure Mentors Works and make your idea a reality!

Get ready to Launch into CyberSpace!

With a Step-By-Step Blueprint to Guide You to Success.

Your Business. Your Terms. Online. Anywhere.

How to Promote Affiliate Links on Your Blog?

Okay so you finally decided to sign up for an affiliate program. But now you are wondering what to do next? In this article, I will give you a beginner’s push in the right direction.

Get your Affiliate Link?

When you sign up for any affiliate program, you will need to receive a unique link to the product page you are promoting. This affiliate link traces transactions and allows you to gain credit for that transaction. Always ensure that your links are correct and work to ensure you receive your commission.

Plan content around your Affiliate Product

Before you just start dropping your link everywhere, you need to create content that will inform and promote the product you are promoting. It’s not enough to just create links on your site, you need to talk about the product. 

Here are some ways you could promote your affiliate products:

Not familiar with Affiliate Marketing? Read more in this article How Can I Start Affiliate Marketing with No Money?

1. Problem and Solution Post

One of the best ways to grab your reader’s attention is to zero in on the primary problem that the product solves for your reader! Explain the problems that they face before they get to purchase your affiliate product. Then guide them forward to the solution, the product! What will it save them and where can they get the product! Yes, now drop your link!

2. Honest Product Review

If you use the product this will make it a lot easier for you! If not you can do your research and cover what makes this product a good investment. Explain the major benefits and features of the product. Also, share images and videos that show in a visual way how the product works.

Consider going into the advantages of the product, what it does well, and even cover what it does not do. Be objective to inform your reader the best you can to give a truthful demonstration of the product.

The more honest you are the better, as this will avoid your customers building false expectations and being disappointed when they finally purchase the product!

3. Useful Product Tutorial

Depending on the type of product that you are selling, you could create a blog tutorial. Show your reader a step-by-step process of how to use the product and its features. This is a great way for the reader to familiarize themselves with the product. 

Explain this in simple ways that are understandable and show diagrams and images where possible to better visualize your tutorial for your reader. Including images or videos of yourself using the product will further solidify trust with your readers.

4. History of the Company or Product

Another way to build credibility for what you are selling is to give your reader insights into the history of the product. You can show how the product has evolved over time, and what the latest features offer. Also, you could share that the vendor has a long history in the business, and how they are at the forefront of innovation.

Want to learn How to Start an Online Business Doing What Your Love?

Get to it!

So there you have a few quick ideas to get started with promoting your affiliate products on your blog! Good luck!

Get ready to Launch into CyberSpace!

With a Step-By-Step Blueprint to Guide You to Success.

Your Business. Your Terms. Online. Anywhere.

Affiliate Marketing as a Passive Income Source?

Everyone dreams of the “ultimate financial freedom” and making money while not working. It’s a dream we’ve all had, and well, probably constantly have! Unfortunately, many people online have realized this and take advantage of people, trying to sell them get rich quick programs. Today I will discuss affiliate marketing and how it can be a source of passive income. The truth is that to gain passive income you need to have invested in something! The money must come from somewhere and it can’t just fall out of the sky! There has to be some real value invested somewhere to gain a return.

Examples of passive income:

  • Dividends from stocks you’ve invested in.
  • Rental income from a property you own.
  • Profits from a business you own but don’t run directly.
  • Profit from renting goods you own.
  • Royalties from books, music, or any other intellectual property.
  • Income from ads generated through viewing your videos on YouTube.
  • Commission earned from promoting affiliate products.

Each one of the above examples is a passive income source! But as I’m sure you realize, none of these are get-rich-quick solutions, nor are they going to pay out income overnight. You have to put the time, money, and effort in to see a return down the line.

One of the ways to build passive income through the internet is by promoting affiliate products. It still requires, time, effort, and money but, requires far less than any of the other passive income strategies.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate Marketing is promoting other people’s products in return for a commission. So when a visitor clicks on a banner promoting a product and purchases it from the vendor, you earn a commision.

Instead of selling the product directly to customers, you are acting as a gateway to the vendors products.

For example, one of the products I use myself is Six Figure Mentors. It is the program I have been using to help me build my affiliate marketing business. This program offers me many resources that I find incredibly useful and has saved me a stack of time.

It offers me educational resources for learning how to build an affiliate marketing business. It gives me a blueprint to help me design my business from zero to profitable! It also offers me a mentorship program to encourage and guide me through the process.

So because I am using this product and it has helped me start my online business, I am able to share with you what this program is about and that I have found it indispensable.

The question is:

  • Are you ready to commit to building a successful online business that can earn you money from anywhere, at any time?
  • Are you ready to start building a business on the side or even full-time?
  • Where do you start?

If your answer is yes, and you want to change your financial path, make a start and sign up for a business program that can give you the tools and resources to start building an opportunity to earn money online!

Find out more about the Six Figure Mentors Business Program and how to start your online business today!

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Daily Method of Operation – Simple and Fun

Daily Method Of Operation

What is a daily method of operation, and why do it?

Your daily method of operation is your daily plan to help you succeed in your business. It outlines the tasks you need to do each day to succeed. Whether you like them or not!

Benjamin Franklin once said:

If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.

Planning ranges from long term to short term. This blog focuses on your daily steps, especially if you are starting and have no money.

Daily method of operation in affiliate marketing.

In any business, no matter how good you are or how good the product is, you need exposure to make money. The adage of time vs money comes in to play here. If you have money, you can pay for marketing and advertising. But if you do not, you will need to spend daily time on marketing. If you have ever been in sales or marketing, you know that consistency is the key to building steady business over time. Consistency at the right activities that is!

For my affiliate marketing business, there are 3 ways to gain exposure:

  • Paid for traffic (Social media advertising)
  • Organic growth (SEO, takes time to build income)
  • Online Networking (make money now)

All need DMO.

I play in the last 2 categories because I do not want to spend money on marketing and advertising yet. Organic growth through blogging will drive traffic to my site over time. But if I want to make money now, I need to talk to people! All business is conversation anyway.

Why follow a daily method of operation?

Following a daily method of operation forces you to track what you are doing daily. If the business is not coming in, you can look back at what you have been doing. You will notice what is working and what is not. Tweak the plan and keep at it. Once you are in a groove, you will start to see the benefit. But always remember to start; the DMO does NOT have to be perfect from day 1.

If you feel you struggle to get started, read this blog on Perfection Paralysis.

What things do I track in my Daily Method Of Operation (Example)

By way of example, I am going to share my current daily method of operation. Through previous work done, I know I will find my average customer on Facebook. So, I focus my time here.

What things do I do to bring awareness to me and my product?

Facebook Story

Here, I share a photo from my day, or an interesting quote or comment. Like most of the items below, it shows friends my human side. It helps to grow trust within my friend circles.

Facebook Friends Post and Story Comments

In this item, I read my friend’s posts, and if I can I comment. If I can’t, I’ll share an emoji. This helps to build relationships with my current set of friends.

Facebook Friends Birthdays

A great way to catch up with old friends and colleagues is to wish them a Happy Birthday on Facebook. Sometimes a voice message goes a long way. I do it the day after because everyone does it on that day. It’s a good way to start a conversation. And all business is a conversation.

Facebook Group participation

Join new Facebook groups in areas/hobbies you enjoy. Participate and add value. For example, I am an Aston Villa Football fan. I am on groups and chat with other fans about the game on the weekend. These can lead to friendships and even business relationships if done in the right way.

Facebook Gratitude Post

No one likes a grinch…sure, we all have bad days, don’t let everyone know about it on Facebook. Rather do a post about the thing that is good in your life. This will attract a positive reaction from your friends (market)

Facebook Participation Post

At the end of the day, I like to pose a question. It can be about anything! It’s to get comments and see who’s active and wanting to talk.

Facebook, Add New Connections

If you do not add new people to your friends, eventually you’ll run out of people to talk to. So, build new relationships each day. Add people you have things in common with. (Even if it’s simply friends in common)

Facebook, Chat to Friends

Start are least 10 conversations a day. I use the LORD approach to assist me in conversation. The formula allows me to get conversations started. Chat about Location, Occupation, Recreation, and Dreams. Listen to them. If you see an opportunity, let them know what your business does.

Phone your new prospects

From my conversations, I might share my business with others. I get emails and phone numbers. Do the hard things no one else does. Connect via voice! Ask them if they have questions, and simply listen to them.


Business hardly ever happens in one sitting. It can take up to 5 exposures for a prospect to feel comfortable. Only when you have trust and rapport will the business follow. Have a system to remember who to follow up with, and when.


Finally, to build the business to a point where I do less of the one-on-one marketing. I blog 2-3 times a week to generate traffic to my site. This part done over time consistently will start to build a steady stream of traffic to my business.

My Daily method of operation template

This is my template I follow each day. It is a simple excel sheet that I print out each day and track my progress. If the money is not coming in, I look at what I have been doing and tweak.


Although I have talked about how I do this for my business, it can be applied to anything.

I have touched on a lot in the blog. There are probably another 10 articles I can write just from this one. Let me know in the comment below what you want to hear more of.

In the meantime, start with anything consistently, and build on it.

Join my Facebook Group here to stay up to date with Blogs and more: Launch Digital Freedom

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Passive Income vs Active Income

passive income vs active income

What Is Active Income?

So, to find out what passive income is, it’s best to start with the opposite. Active Income! Yeah, sounds like hard work. And essentially it can be. The hours you put in allow you to earn money. Depending on the type of work you do, you typically get paid a certain amount of money. Hours for Dollars. The top athletes in the world work hours for dollars, but they can earn ridiculous amounts of money. Lionel Messi earns around $126 Million Dollars a year. But the average person with a good job will earn around $25 000 to $100 000 per year.

Typically, this type of work means you hit an earning ceiling. You can only work so many hours a week, so you can only earn so much.

Examples of Active Income

  • Salary: Work from 8 – 5 each weekday, get some holiday. You are trading your skills for money.
  • Hourly Wage: It’s often not set hours. You work when you can, or when needed. The benefits here are you can earn overtime and work in shifts.
  • Commission: These are typically sales jobs. Often you can earn a small basic salary, but the true benefit here is that the better you perform (more sales), the more you make.
  • Tips: These jobs offer the ability to make tips from assisting others. Delivery’s, waiting tables, and car guards fall into this category.

Passive Income Meaning

So how can you get more?

Wikipedia defines passive income as follows:

Is income that requires little to no effort to earn and maintain. It is called progressive passive income when the earner expends little effort to grow the income.


Passive income means that you are receiving a consistent amount of money for doing nothing! Sounds good right? But life is never that simple, there simply is no such thing as a passive income that did not start without action! And even a so-called passive income will require your time, some of the time. It may take years to truly start to be passive.

Examples of Passive Income

  • Dividends from Investments: Typically, a bought passive income. You can accumulate shares over a long period of time or a one-time lump sum. If you can invest 5 Million Dollars over time, you could get around 5% per annum and make 25k per year.
  • Affiliate Income: This is online marketing. Typically, you will build an email list through online adverts or SEO and then provide value and offers to the list. This can be easily scaled once you have a recipe that works.
  • Rental Income: If you have the means or the money, you can acquire a property and rent it out to a tenant. It often requires money upfront, but there are some tricks of the trade that can give you no money down deals.
  • Courses: The nice thing about a course is you write it once and sell it many times. If you pick the right topic for your market, it can sell for years beyond the work you do up-front. This can also be done by getting the services of a facilitator or you can put it online of course!

Is Passive Income better than ordinary income?

Well, the short answer is YES! Who does not want money coming in while you are doing nothing? But just remember that you always need either time or money to build a passive income. They also do not just grow overnight.

Freedom through Passive Income

There are 3 types of freedom.

  • Time freedom: Being able to decide each day exactly what you want to do this second, minute, or hour. If you decide you want to go to a movie at 11:00 am on Monday morning, you do it.
  • Location freedom: Being able to decide where you want to be today. If you decide you need to visit a friend in Tokyo, you get on a plane and go.
  • Financial freedom: Being able to pay for anything you desire and not think about the cost. Look at the menu and decide you want the lobster (SQ)

To be honest, financial freedom will probably get you all the freedoms you want. To be financially free, you only really need to earn $1 more than your expenses in passive income.

How do we do this?

A coach of mine once told me to throw a pencil on the ground. After doing so, she said, “Oh no, you missed”. When I said, “But you didn’t tell me where to aim” she proceeded to tell me “That’s the point! If you don’t know the target, you are unlikely to reach your goals”.

So, pick your number; how much money do you need each month in passive income to live the life you want? When do you want to be earning that?

Let us say the number is $15k per month in 5 years from now. There is your Target, now all it takes is planning.

Which passive income model suits you best? Which ones can you see yourself doing? Then find someone who has already done it. Follow them and immerse yourself in the work. Learn everything about it, and just do it.

It may take time in the beginning, but in the end, it will be worth it.

If you need more assistance with how to get stuff done, visit one of my other blogs here “DMO – Daily Method Of Operation”

Are you ready to Launch into the Digital Space?

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